School textbooks

The University Library's collection of school textbooks includes teaching material for compulsory school and upper secondary school in Sweden.

Find school textbooks

Use Supersearch to find school textbooks from the year 1975 onwards. In Supersearch you will see where the books are located. Most of the school textbooks are held at the Education Library.

Find older school textbooks

If you are looking for older school textbooks, you can use one of our scanned card catalogues instead. You can browse and request books directly from the scanned catalogues.

Lärobokskatalogen 1958-75 contains references to school textbooks from 1958 to 1975. The books are placed at the Education Library.

Katalog -57 contains references to school textbooks published before1958. The books are placed at the Humanities Library.

Reading room loans of school textbooks

School textbooks are reference literature, i.e. they cannot be taken home. Instead, you can read the material at the Education Library or in the reading room at the Humanities Library.

Education Library
Humanities Library

Contact us about school textbooks

Contact the Education Library if you have questions about school textbooks.

  • Your question will be answered by e-mail by library staff during office hours, Monday to Friday. During the weekend you can contact us via telephone.

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